Arthritis & Migraine Analgesic
- Arthritis Pain
- Migraine Pain
- Muscle Pain
- Headaches
If you are suffering from arthritis pain, muscle pain, headaches or migraines ....
"Wolfgang's Oleo Mentha" TM
"Wolfgang's Oleo Mentha" TM is an herbal analgesic that relieves pain in minutes.
"Wolfgang's Oleo Mentha" TM is an etheric oil which is re-distilled to Wolfgang's specifications to give it extra strength and purity. It is applied externally. You massage two or three drops of the essential oil on the skin in the area of pain.
The Oleo will immediately go to work and your pain will be gone quickly.
Fast Results
Most sufferers report the disappearance of pain in two or three minutes. A typical response when applied to someone's pained area is: "My Gosh, it really does work!"
Here are some of the comments received from satisfied users:
- " .... would not want to be without it. .... my arthritis pain was killing me." Irma W., Ontario, Canada
- ".... my friends are always impressed when they see me use the Oleo Mentha and my head ache is gone in less than three minutes. .... and smells nice .... Caryl C., Napa, California
- ".... and thank God for your product. Here is my order again buy tramadol ... Ben Nowakowski, New York, N.Y
- " ... and for my friends I need three bottles. Bless you for your product." Carla W., Phoenix, AZ
- " ... troubled with leg cramps ... used the Oleo Mentha ... that night I had no cramps ..." B. L., Salmon Arm, BC, Canada
- "... sounds pretty dramatic, in the last two years... I have seen it do all of the things ... At shows, ... cure one migraine per show. In addition, I have not had a migraine (Classical full blown, migraines) since I have ... a bottle in my purse at all times. ..." Karen B., Oroville, WA
- "My hand was like a claw when I came into your shop... just to try it ... after walking around for three minutes, I could move my fingers.... very impressive ... " Helen B. Yelm, WA
- " ... will never forget meeting you .... did not trust a product my doctor would not know about ... your sample did it. .... my lower back pain .... still driving truck ..." Wilhelm K., Berlin, Germany
- " .... I need more ...... my friends need more .... the best thing that happen to us during our holiday .... " Frau. S., Switzerland

The story of "Wolfgang's Oleo Mentha" TM
Click here to Email me, Wolfgang and request "The Story of "Wolfgang's Oleo Mentha" TM, it's free.

100% Money back guarantee. If you don't like it - for any reason - return the rest of the bottle and receive your money back! (except shipping and handling)

Fast Results
Herbal analgesic relieves pain in minutes more...

Lasts a Long Time
With regular use for migraines as an example, one bottle - 10ml - of Oleo lasts a long time, probably a year or two.

Great Value
This makes the product very inexpensive: 1 bottle of "Wolfgang's Oleo Mentha" TM only US-$ 19.95 plus $ 8.95 shipping & handling.
"Wolfgang's Oleo Mentha" TM really works. We are proud of our product. Questions, comments and letters of recommendations are always welcome. Thank you for being visitor # to this page and telling your friends about it. Wholesale or agent inquiries welcome.